Hacker ?


The term “hacker” can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Sometimes, a hacker is a computer expert who uses their technical knowledge to solve problems or create new programs. This type of hacker is often called a “white hat” because they use their skills for good.

However, in other cases, the term “hacker” refers to someone using their computer skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks. This type of hacker is often called a “black hat” because they use their skills for malicious purposes.

Overall, the term “hacker” can refer to either a skilled computer expert who uses their knowledge for good or someone who uses their skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. The specific meaning of the term depends on the context in which it is used.

Is Hacking Legal?

Whether hacking is legal depends on the specific situation and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the hacking is taking place. In some cases, hacking may be legal if it is performed with the permission of the system owner or network being accessed. For example, if a security consultant is hired by an organization to test the security of their systems, the consultant may be allowed to hack into the systems to identify vulnerabilities.

However, hacking may be illegal in other cases, even if performed with the best intentions. For example, this is typically considered illegal if a person gains unauthorized access to a system or network without the owner’s permission.

In general, it is important to understand the laws and regulations that apply to hacking in your jurisdiction and to obtain the necessary permissions before attempting to hack into any systems or networks. Hacking without the proper permissions can result in legal consequences, even if the intentions are benign.

What Do Real Hackers Do?

Real hackers may do various things for a living, depending on their specific skills and interests. Some real hackers may be employed by organizations to help protect their networks and systems from cyber threats (yes, we are hiring). These hackers may use their skills to test the security of a system, identify vulnerabilities, and develop strategies to prevent unauthorized access.

Other hackers may be independent security consultants or researchers who use their skills to help organizations improve their security posture. They may also participate in hacking competitions or challenges, using their skills to solve problems or complete tasks in a controlled environment. Some make a living out of bug bounty programs.

Bug bounty programs are initiatives in which organizations offer rewards or incentives to individuals who can identify and report vulnerabilities or security flaws in their systems or products. These programs are designed to encourage people to help organizations find and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious hackers.

There are many different bug bounty programs run by a variety of organizations, including technology companies, government agencies, and other organizations. These programs may offer different rewards or incentives and have different participation rules and requirements. There are also “Bug Bounty as a Service” tools, like Bugcrowd and HackerOne, which pay researchers to find product vulnerabilities.

What Do Hackers Study?

Hackers typically study various topics related to computer science, engineering, and information technology. This may include computer programming, network security, cryptography, and operating systems.

Hackers may also study tools and techniques commonly used in hacking, such as exploits, malware, and other types of attack software. They may also study the tactics and methods other hackers use to understand how these attacks work and how to defend against them.

In addition to technical subjects, hackers may also study social engineering techniques, such as persuasion and manipulation, to better understand how to trick people into revealing sensitive information or granting access to systems.

Here are some of the books we recommend reading to get started with infosec:

What Software and Tools Do Hackers Use?

Hackers may use various software tools and programs to assist them in their activities. These tools can be broadly grouped into several categories, including the following:

Network scanning and discovery tools

These tools scan networks and identify systems and devices connected to the network. They may also gather information about the systems and devices, such as their IP addresses, operating systems, and open ports. Here are a few examples:

Nmap is a widely used network scanning and discovery tool used to scan networks and identify systems and devices connected to the network. It can also gather information about the systems and devices, such as their IP addresses, operating systems, and open ports.

Angry IP Scanner: Angry IP Scanner is an open-source network scanning and discovery tool used to scan networks and identify systems and devices connected to the network. It can also gather information about the systems and devices, such as their IP addresses, operating systems, and open ports.

Advanced IP Scanner: Advanced IP Scanner is a network scanning and discovery tool used to scan networks and identify systems and devices connected to the network. It can also gather information about the systems and devices, such as their IP addresses, operating systems, and open ports.


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